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CakeSwap Token

Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

What is CakeSwap Token (CAKESWAP)?

CakeSwap a native token of CakeSwap Exchange (DEX), it's used for a variety of purposes within the growing landscape.

What is the utility of CakeSwap Token?

Cakeswap Token is a native utility token exchange with a 1 billion token change contract making it great tokenomics. Its main functions are yield farming and staking.

What makes CakeSwap Token unique?

It is a native utility token of CakeSwap Exchange (DEX). CakeSwap is a type of decentrilized exchange (DEX) known as an automated market maker (AMM). Currently, CakeSwap is focusing on working through three phases. The first phase has successfully come through with the launch of the CakeSwap token.

Who are the founders of CakeSwap Token?

Manny Trujillo is the CEO and chief developer for the project. He is mainly responsible for the Cakeswap exchange and its native token, i.e. Cakeswap Token. Clemente Sierra is the responsible person for marketing and it's growth. Team information is available on the official website of the token.

What are the future plans for CakeSwap Token?

The future plans include launching the decentralized exchange and NFT marketplace which is still in development. Post exchange development plans include introducing debit cards which will be linked to the token wallet address. The holders will be able to use debit cards at the "value" of USD of the tokens that they hold.

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