Market Cap:$2.34T(-3.67%)
24h Volume:$113.30B
BTC Dominance:51.59%
Cryptocurrencies listed:40875
Total Airdrops:1945
eDiscovery Coin logo
eDiscovery CoinEDC
Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

The eDiscovery Coin (EDC) is based on the concept of provision of eDiscovery Services to organisations using software solutions. We aim to be the leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable solutions to companies of all sizes. Our services include: Early Case Assessment, Forensic Data Collection, Data Recovery, and Managed Document Review.

Undertaking Early case assessment (ECA) attempts to quickly surface key electronically stored information (ESI), paper documents, and other potential evidence early on in a legal matter. The data gathered during early case assessment is then used to help estimate risk and guide case strategy.

Our expert workflows, combining our specialised teams with analytic technology will help us manage projects of any magnitude including end-to-end managed remote and on-premise document review, helping our clients reduce costs, save time and make litigation more efficient.

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