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Genie Coin

Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

Genie Coin is a hyper-deflationary coin built on top of the Binance Smart Chain. Genie rewards holders in BUSD just for holding Genie Coin in their wallets.
50% of the total supply burned at the start. 9% from every buy/sell transaction goes to the existing holders in the form of BUSD, 2% goes to the PanCakeSwap liquidity pool to create a stable price floor, 2% auto-added to the strategic buyback wallet which will be used to burn tokens every week so the price doesn't go down, and 1% goes to the marketing wallet which will be used to promote Genie Coin massively on popular crypto platforms including but not limited to BSC Scan, PooCoin, Watcher Guru, DEX tools, Yahoo Finance, press releases and more.

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Coin Rank
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Daily rank444

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