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Papa Token

Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

PapaExchange is a decentralized cross-chain swap protocol that provides automatic pricing and liquidity systems.

These simple functions occur during each trade.

Reflection 5% is reflected to all holders for passive income
LP Acquisition 2.5% is added to a liquidity pool
Community donation to the project and charities share 2.5%
Here at PapaExchange we will bridge the gap between different types of cryptocurrencies and other products like NFTs. We believe cryptocurrency to still be in its very early stages. The market just in the last 6 months has gone from $2.4 trillion to $3 trillion, we believe that this is nowhere near its peak yet. We will be creating an exchange that will run on our "Pops Automated Payment Assistant (PAPA) token" to make it an easy process to buy and swap altcoins and NFTs across different blockchains, and make it a simpler process than it is currently. We are confident that we have the skills and knowledge to make Papa and PapaExchange the next big thing.

We hope to make the Pops Automated Payment Assistant (PAPA) token more valuable than any other BSC-based token, Papa token’s coding has been developed to give high returns to people who HODL for the long term. Many speculative of PapaExchange compare it to Uniswap, and while we respect this platform, it is different in a few crucial ways. PapaExchange for a start will be BSC-based (We believe it to be far superior to Ether). We also believe our platform will be more user friendly. Here (PapaExchange.com) will become a digital marketplace for swapping digital currencies and NFTs, but it will also be a platform for upcoming projects with the potential to skyrocket to get the word out about their coin. Essentially, coins are allowed to push their projects (no matter how small the scale) and investors are able to view what they have to offer on the PapaExchange marketplace.

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