
Advertising & Services

Why choose CoinMooner?

1 Million+

Monthly Active Users

50 Million+

Upvotes Placed


Projects Listed


Changes to Your Ad

Website Ads

Rotating Banner Ads

One of the spots in our rotating banner section.

Traffic is shared. Any video or image format.

Desktop 728x90
Mobile 640x120
$150 / day

Premium Banner Ads

Premium banner spot at the top of our website.

Dedicated spot. Any video or image format.

Desktop 1440x90
Mobile 640x200
$375 / day

Promoted Spot

Your project is always shown on our main page.

Immediate massive exposure for your coin.

No additional media needed.

$300 / day


3+ days

of any ad booked

10% off

7+ days

of any ad booked

20% off

15+ days

of any ad booked

35% off

Email Blast

Send your message to our 30,000+ email subscribers.

Your message will be sent in a dedicated email.

Request a quote

Contract Audit

We will audit your smart contract for security vulnerabilities.

A report will be provided to share with your community.

From $400

Contact us

Reach out to us on Telegram or email to get started.