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Capt Floki

Capt Floki
Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

⭐ Captain Floki ⭐| Just Launched! 🚀 The first Doge-Avenger & the most heroic token in all of Crypto & DeFi! Join us and together lets build the most Heroic community in all of Crypto! |Next 1000X Gem 💎| Dont miss the Upcoming Doge Avenger NFT Collection! Responsive Devs & Great Marketing Team!

🌐Website: https://www.captainfloki.cc/

📱Telegram: https://t.me/CaptainFlokiCoin

🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheCaptainFloki

🌐BSC Scan:https://bscscan.com/token/0xd7ce716d371942329ca7807a166765cd737f6209

📝Contract: 0xD7cE716D371942329Ca7807a166765CD737f6209

Buy with 11% Slippage right here on PancakeSwap!

Our Heroic Tokenomics are as follows:

Automated Liquidity Generation: All Captain Floki transactions will contribute 7% to Liquidity ensuring price stability, sustainable growth, and security for investors. This contribution ensures that Captain Floki is sustainable and scales as the community grows. Asset holders can also provide additional liquidity and earn interest as our market cap grows.

Doge Avenger Rewards: All Captain Floki Holders will observe their token balance grow through Reflection Rewards at intervals as the community grows. This function will allow holders to effectively earn interest over time and will scale as the community grows. Captain-Floki will see the community rewarded for its support every step of the way, through every milestone.

Decentralization: Token Contract Ownership was renounced at launch!, as a result of this action no individual or entity has ownership of the contract, adding security, fairness and integrity for our community and making our token decentralized. Captain Floki was bug tested rigorously using the testnet prior to launch to ensure absolute security, efficiency and scalability, it was designed to be scalable, self-sustaining, and to scale seamlessly and frictionless on a fully autonomous and rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem.

Doge Avenger NFT Marketplace: Our Doge-Avenger NFT Marketplace and its offerings is on the horizon! We will be working garner a roster of Meme-lords, Digital artists, Influencers and more, to have an all-star lineup of NFT releases at launch. Some NFT releases would also be paired with Physical Merchandise to add further value to each unit iterations.

Heroic Marketing: 2% of Captain Floki transactions will be contributed to our community marketing fund, 100% of this fund will be used for Marketing and Advertising of our token. This will ensure that we have the capital necessary to fund our massive viral marketing campaign that will catapult Captain Floki to very top of the DeFi and NFT sphere!

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Daily rank:486

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