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Christmas Laika

Christmas Laika
Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

We aim to build wealth for our community and in the same time we are also spreading love for a greater cause!
We strive to be the best project that will support and contribute to several Dog Charity around the world.
Join our movement and help donate to different Non-profit organization for Dogs worldwide.
Our community-driven project charity distribution pays for one of many and shall be utilized to fund several charity drives.
We have been prospecting several Dog Rescue Charity around the world and has been in touch to do our first charity drive.
Where we are aiming to donate $1,000 in total for the first charity, consequently every charity drive will be held monthly, at the end of each month. We donate because we truly care, and we are proud to be giving our all to the community.
We also would love to hear from our community, different charity recipient shall be chosen through polls by the community in our Telegram groups.

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