DogePot logo


Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

⏩Name: DogePot

⏩Symbol: $DP

⏩Total supply: 100.000.000


🎯Presale - 31.8%

🎯Liquidity - 31.8%

🎯Affilate/listnings - 22.7% - Vesting 1year.

🎯Marketing/development - 10.9% - Vesting 1year

🎯Private sale - 2.7%


⏩Most transparency casino ecosystem in crypto space, every gamemode is easy to verify via block scanner,like bscscan,everything on chain!

⏩Hosting gamemodes to other tokens/coins! If any token wanna host on our casino gamemode, they have to buy and burn or buy and lock specified amount of $DP!

⏩BNB/DP/USDT/ETH Airdrops to our loyal holders! 3% tax from every gamemode on our dapp, is collected to our airdrop wallet, airdrop will be distributed once a month.

⏩2% tax from our Dapp gamemodes are collected to cumulative Jackpot! To take part in cumulative, you just have to lock your tokens for specified amount of time, more you lock, more chances to win!

⏩🎲🔥Transparency is a key! Blockchain is transparency! We are on blockchain! Trust in first ever clear and transparent casino ecosystem! We are on blockchain! Trust in first ever clear and transparent casino ecosystem! Dont feel scammed anymore! Dont play on online casinos, with stop loss function and fake users! Follow us, to not miss opportunity! 🔥🎲⏪

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Daily rank:479

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