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Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:


$EXP Trading is Live on PancakeSwap!
Expansion will be the first token where you participate by building 3D-printed houses!

Why 3D house printing?
✅ 3D house printers are working 24/7 and can build a house in less than 2 weeks.

Just (1) 3d printer can print approximately 30 houses a year!
We will charge rent to the people who live inside!
This rent will go to the EXP holders…. So, the more EXP you have... the larger your share of the rent!
With just one house, you get approximately 200-300$ in a month, so if we build 30 houses in a year it can accumulate a minimum of 9000$ per month!
Then we can scale up to (2) 3D printers and build 60 houses that can generate about $18,000 per month at a minimum.
This is the big use case!!! To achieve this goal, we need a community that is loyal and helpful. We can build something huge together!
This is our vision and long term goal.
to generate multiple passive income streams independent of volume!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   At Expansion 3D, our team fully believes that Community remains an untapped resource in the Cryptocurrency industry.  While meme tokens and hype coins may be a bit ambitious in their agendas, there remain undeniable truths that can be learned from their stories.  

We are hyper-focused on community and believe that through healthy, organic engagement, we can achieve incredible results for ours. This is our vision: - to leverage the power of community to create consistent passive income streams for our investors.
🥇 Expansion - $EXP is part of the Expansion 3D ecosystem. $EXP is a ‘Reflections Token’ that operates on the Binance Smart Chain. A percentage of all transactions is taxed and redistributed to all holders.
All revenue is paid to holders in $EXP, frictionlessly, - simply for holding the $EXP token in a BSC wallet.
🥈EXPANSION 3D - $EXP Revenue earned from P2E game and 3D printed houses will be distributed to Holders up to 95% of all profits.

🧮 Basic Tokenomics:

👉 $EXP Tax ( Buy & Sell ):
4% marketing wallet
3% holder distribution
2% burn fee

👉Expansion 3D Future Rollouts:
P2e game (short term)

  • NFTs (Long Term)
  • Entertainment Products (Games)
  • 3D Printers - 30 houses per year.

👉 About Us:

  • Doxed and KYC’ed Team.
  • degree in architecture and 3D printing.
  • Transparent.
  • 618 days of liquidity locked.

There are no 10% team tokens!

$EXP contract:

Network: BSC

Total supply: 987,689,370.115371

good Luck, Expansion 3D!🌈

Follow us for more Information ℹ️::
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