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Gangster Finance

Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

Gangster Finance [https://gangster.finance/], launched in April 2021 on Binance Smart Chain, with the aim of creating a platform of decentralised finance smart contracts which brings users a trusted high yield savings vehicle. Tired of rug pulls, sub-standard projects & unscrupulous developers, Gangster Finance has been created to provide a safe space for investment & dapp development.

At the time of writing there are twelve savings vaults bearing instant dividends and a daily drip, which are all features designed to sustain the ecosystem with every user interaction.

Please read our documentation [https://gangsterdefi.gitbook.io/gangster-finance/] which has detailed information regarding our savings vaults & project.

GFI token is based on the ERC-31337 standard created by Rootkit Dev Team and ProfessorKronos [https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/the-power-of-a-price-floor-86fa74b59bd1]. Launched on 24th September 2021, GFI makes use of "re-usable locked liquidity". This is a unique concept which demonstrates a great deal of potential, especially in terms of building a larger Dapp/contract ecosystem. The ERC-31337 model has native fee-sharing characteristics which make it perfect for development teams/projects to build upon in an attractive and potentially incentivised way.

GFI was listed on ShibaNova DEX [https://swap.shibanova.io/#/swap] on 24th September 2021.

Furthermore, staking of GFI into xGFI on the Gangster Finance dapp also commenced [https://gangster.finance/stake.html]

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Coin Rank
Overall rank:19423
Daily rank:482

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