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Launched On
Binance Smart Chain:

Grump 😾 Fair Launch 🚀 Tomorrow -Saturday Dec 11th 17 UTC- | AMA before launch 🏛 BUSD Rewards

Meet Grump, and his project : Make the BSC Great Again. Pardon his grumpiness, he's got a sweet heart but lost at some elections, a minor setback to his plan. This kitty wants to make a multi-billion company, a hard task, especially on the BSC. But after getting scammed on a daily basis on the BSC by India, he could see that his cherished blockchain was ill, and that's what he wants to repair. He wants to make the BSC Great Again, and he'll need your help for that, he'll need your vote, as well as your investment as we are going to build the most glorious wall the BSC has ever seen, the ultimate Green Wall. 😾
The thing is... Other cats have heard of that project, such as Kim Jong-Meow, and other world leaders. They are going to be in on it, in an unificating project where they shall be immortalized as NFTs ! 🌎

In order to do so, Grump designed tokenomics for his plan :

100 000 000 supply 🌟
2% Max Wallet 👛
1% Max Tx 💸
7% LP tax 🏦
5% marketing tax 📜
3% BUSD rewards 💲
6 BNB initial Liquidity.👑
An AMA will be held in VC before launch. 👨‍⚖️
Dev Wallet : INEXISTENT 💼

Liquidity will be locked at launch, and Bots ruining the BSC will be punished for their deeds during launch with a merciless antibot system. 🐈

Website : https://grump-token.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/grump_token

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