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Nexus Dubai

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Nexus Dubai Token Live price data
The live price of Nexus Dubai Token today is 0.409188921731213129 USD. $nxd It is down 0,76 from the last trading day! We update our USD to nxd every 10 minutes!

Nexus Dubai Has a Market Cap of 2,455,133,530 USD and is down 0,21% in the last 24H!

What Is Nexus Dubai (nxd)?
Nexus Token is a bridging multi-network token that supports various networks.

The Nexus Token is being initially issued by Polygon, the touted second layer of the Ethereum network, which is based on the next-generation “Proof of Stake” consensus algorithm, allowing for fast processing and decentralization. Polygon is expected to solve Ethereum’s high fees and transaction problems, allowing for cheaper and faster transactions than other chains. In addition, Polygon’s second layer (side chain) acts as a fast blockchain that runs alongside the main Ethereum blockchain.
Polygon, a potential future replacement for Ethereum, is also highly compatible with ERC and can be used for applications on various Ethereum blockchains.

The total number of Nexus Token issued is fixed, and if more networks are supported, the number of newly issued Nexus Token in the Polygon network will be locked.

What Is Nexus Dubai (nxd) contract address??
The contract address for the Nexus Dubai is 0x228b5c21ac00155cf62c57bcc704c0da8187950b and it can be found on polygon network.

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